FnI Compliance Solutions LLC
Providing Practical Automotive Compliance Solutions
Compliance Management System
Providing Qualified Individual Services to Automobile Dealerships. FnI Compliance Solutions LLC will design a CMS program specific to your dealerships size, complexity and risk. Our services include an initial Risk Assessment, drafting your P&P Manual, implemention, training, monitoring/auditing, and reporting.
FnI Income Training and Development​​
FnI Compliance Solutions LLC provides objective based income development programs specifically targeted to your dealership’s production goals. Our company trains a method of presenting optional products to consumers that produces better results than the traditional 4-column menu presentation. The Optional Product Disclosure Presentation was designed to achieve the best possible outcome in FnI - every product sold at full list. It achieves results in less time than the 4-column approach in a fully transparent, legally compliant manner. Developed and used by a Top Performing FnI Manager and Attorney with over 10,000 turns in the box. This presentation can be used by F&I Managers, Salespeople, Sales Managers, and virtually to achieve outstanding results!
Advertising Review
Consumer complaints and advertising are the primary sources for initiating legal action against a dealership. FnI Compliance Solutions LLC will review your dealership advertising prior to publication to ensure advertising complies with current regulatory requirements. Advertising reports are prepared and stored for the statutory period. Feedback for advertising review requests are normally turned around in 24 hours.